WATCH: Woman says I do to the holy spirit:

A Kenyan woman recently shocked her home town when she decided to get married to the Holy Spirit.

Elizabeth Nalem reportedly abandoned her husband and six children to get married to the Holy Spirit.

The woman, whose age is not identified, is seen in a video dressed in an attractive white bridal gown. Residents of Makutano came in numbers to witness the unusual wedding.

Local news publication Standard reported that the woman had claimed that God appeared to her in a dream and asked her to abandon her husband.

She said God wanted to use her to spread the word.

As if that was not enough to leave tongues wagging, Nalem told Standard she’d be going to Uganda for her honeymoon.

“I was heading to Makutano town when God directed me at around 3am to go to Amudat in Uganda for my honeymoon and to attend a big crusade there,” she said.

“God has shown me to travel to the USA when I am done with Uganda.

“He told me to traverse the world, but I told Him I wouldn’t be able and requested Him to recruit other members to help me in spreading the gospel.”

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