A blood test to predict when-you-will die

A test has been developed that is 83% accurate in determining when you will die. 

According to Metro, the research looked at 16 years’ worth of data and during the time of the study, 5,512 of the participants died.

Academics from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing analysed the blood of 44,168 adults between 18 and 109 years old.

The men and women were all of European descent and involved in other studies.

‘It’s a marker of your current health and physical vulnerability. The test does not predict how long you will live as you have a hand in it yourself.’ researcher Dr Joris Deelan said.

‘If the blood test indicates your physical vulnerability, if it tells you how long you’ll live – and your family see that and you change your lifestyle – you could live twice as long.’

The scientists will now carry out further research in the hope they can develop a blood test that can one-day be used to tailor treatment, including determining if a patient is too frail for surgery, Metro reported. 

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