As you might know the risk of obesity includes diabetes‚ hypertension‚ cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
As much as we might struggle with losing or maintaining a healthy weight, we need to try.
Here are 5 foods that might help you with your weight loss journey:
1. Chilli Pepper – Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a substance which has been shown to reduce appetite and increase fat burning. This substance is even sold in supplement form and a common ingredient in many commercial weight loss supplements.
2. Nuts – Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss, just make sure not to go overboard, as they’re still fairly high in calories.
3. Avocados – For those with an avo obsession, this is good for you. Despite being mostly fat, avocados also contain a lot of water and fiber, making them less energy-dense than you may think.
4. Salmon – Fatty fish like salmon is incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories. Salmon is loaded with high-quality protein, healthy fats and various important nutrients.
5. Whole Eggs – Another eight-week study found that eggs for breakfast increased weight loss on a calorie restricted diet, compared to doughnuts.
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