5 things that happen when you have sex during your period

For all the women out there, it is important to understand that having sex during periods is absolutely normal and unless you are worried about things going a little messy, there is nothing unsafe about it.

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However, there are certain strange things that may happen when you catch some action during your periods.

  1. You may experience some relief from cramps

The best news ever, right? When you orgasm, your brain releases endorphins, which is primarily known as the feel-good hormone. So, when the release of this hormone is triggered, the intensity of your cramps lessen.

While the exact reason is yet not known, apparently when you have sex during your menstrual cycle, orgasms help your body to get rid of prostaglandins, which are the chemical compounds responsible for period cramps.

  1. ​You may not need any lubrication

This one is a no-brainer. Since there is already an ample amount of blood present down there, there won’t be any need for any extra lubrication.

3. You may have shorter periods

Again, it all boils down to the release of endorphins and prostaglandins, which are responsible for lighter and shorter periods. The contraction of muscles during periods helps in pushing out blood more quickly.

  1. Your odds of getting pregnant are low

Let us begin by saying, contrary to many popular claims, having sex during your periods is NOT a foolproof way of preventing pregnancy. Although, it does considerably reduce your chances of conceiving. For the uninitiated, if you are planning to get pregnant, it is always advisable to track down your ovulation days.

5. You may feel like having more sex

While it really depends on your period cycle and libido change during periods, some women reportedly enjoy having sex during periods, since they are more aroused than usual


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