5 things every guy should do before inviting a girl over

 One of the most awkward things in life is the first time you invite a lady over to your place. You don’t want to make a move too soon so she thinks sex is all you’re interested in and you also don’t want to miss any signs that she’s actually interested in having sex with you. All in all, you want the two of you to have fun and enjoy each other’s presence but there are a few things you should do before inviting a girl over.

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1. Clean your room!

I cannot stress this enough but going into a setting where clothes are lying around, dirty dishes are on the floor and empty cartons of food are also around but just the bed is laid speaks very poorly of you. Even if you’re a dirty person, the fact that someone is coming to see your place for the first time should ‘ginger‘ you to clean up. Ladies will make up any excuse to get out of such a place.

2. Make it smell nice

If any woman walks into your room and can’t breathe, she’ll find a way to get out of there no matter how neat the place is. Open your doors and windows and let fresh air enter the room and let the bad air out. You can also use air refreshers in the room or light one scented candle for a while and put it off when she gets there.

3. Don’t forget your bathroom

A lot of guys forget to clean their bathrooms which is odd because ladies tend to use the bathroom either before sex or afterwards; especially afterwards. If she goes there and is disgusted, chances are nothing will happen between you two.

4. Pick an activity to do

If she doesn’t mind cooking, you can plan to cook a meal together and eat or you people can decide beforehand to watch a movie both of you haven’t seen yet so that it isn’t awkward when both of you are there.

5. Be ready for anything…

If she actually wants to have sex with you, you need to be strapped and ready because nobody is going to wait for you to now go look for a condom.


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